Throw Back Thursday 6/12
Thu, Jun 12, 2014 @ 08:06 AM Kerry richardson #TBT, About Us, Throwback Thursday, company history, family owned business, Iowa
After a long and extremely cold winter here in the Midwest, the summer months are finally upon us; barbeques with family and friends, long relaxing days out on the lake, nights of sipping sangrias on rooftops, and the sometimes dreaded chore of lawn care. From mowing, to weeding, and of course watering the lawn; there are a lot of tools that go in to making a yard look like it came out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine: the Miller Hydraulic Hose Holder is just one of those much needed ‘tools’. Advertised as “simple to install and simple to use”, the hose holder was a popular item during the early 60s and sold for only 39 cents. That’s a steal in today’s market!
Not only was this tiny (and simple) little invention effective in keeping those pesky hoses off the ground- it is also a great example of how Miller Products Company has been inventing custom parts to fit customers needs for decades. As an extra Throwback Thursday bonus; how about that super swanky vintage advertising?