Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel Means Durability
Tue, Jun 25, 2019 @ 13:06 PM Kerry richardson Miller Products Company, custom pin, lock pin, 416 corrosion, corrosion resistance, stainless steel lock pin, wire lock pin, order parts online
Not all stainless steel parts are created equal, and the engineers at Miller Products Company are well aware of this fact. Whether stock pins and fasteners or custom machined parts are needed, Miller Products will work with the customer to provide options best suited to their needs.
The engineers at Miller Products Company encountered concerns surrounding the two most common materials from a client in the food industry. They were tired of having to replace the 304 stainless steel parts and were unable to use the 416 stainless steel parts because of the high-corrosion environment.
With low cost and ready machinability, 416 stainless steel is popular for custom machined parts. It achieves elevated strength and hardness through heat treatments and is valued for its machining characteristics. Unfortunately, it is unsuitable for any chloride exposure environments and sacrifices corrosion resistance.
Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, 304 stainless steel is commonly used in appliances and commercial food processing equipment. Unfortunately, it is also susceptible in high-saline environments. Localized corrosion can slip under the natural barrier created by chromium oxide and cause pitting or crevassing, which weakens the fastener or pin.
Working to solve the client’s problem rather than throwing standard solutions at them to make a sale, the engineers suggested trying 17-4 stainless steel instead. With properties that allow heat treatment for high levels of strength and hardness, plus corrosion resistance and machinability, the Miller Products engineers were able to offer a custom solution to the client that addressed all their concerns. The material was a little more expensive, but the reliability and ruggedness of the parts more than evened out the cost difference.
Listening to customers and providing custom options is just one of the benefits to ordering from Miller Products Company. With an experienced crew, top-of-the-line CNC machining equipment, an extensive catalog of stock pins and fasteners, and a commitment to their customers, Miller Products Company is your single source supplier for precision turned, milled and screw-machined products.
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