Miller Products Company Kicks off New Year under New Ownership
Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 11:01 AM Kerry richardson Miller Products Company, family owned business, miller products, swiss cnc, osceola iowa, ag manufacturing, employment, Kerry Richardson, manufacturing news
As the new year kicked off, Kerry Richardson, previously General Manager at Miller Products Company had to start getting used to his new title, that of Owner and President of Miller Products Company. In early 2023 Jack McFarland announced his pending retirement from Miller at the close of the year, opening the opportunity for Richardson’s purchase of the company. As the calendar rolled to 2024, so did the ownership of the company to Richardson and his family.
“Jack’s leadership and guidance has been an inspiration,” said Richardson. “After more than 15-years under his tutelage, I’m excited to carry the torch into the future.”
Kerry Richardson started with the Miller team back in 2008 as Sales and Marketing Manager. For more than a decade he spent his days building Miller’s customer base and leading the charge for much of manufacturing in south central Iowa. Even through economic downturns and pandemic years, his dedication to maintaining the Miller excellence established by McFarland was steadfast. When promoted to General Manager in 2022, Richardson amplified his duties to streamlining and updating the operations at Miller Products Company improving employee satisfaction and retention as well as adding to the bottom line.
Central Iowa born and raised, Richardson graduated from the University of Northern Iowa and chose to set roots in his home state. Along with successes in manufacturing and sales positions in retail and manufacturing, as well as his roles as business owner and entrepreneur, Kerry hopes to continues to build on the foundation of his work at Miller Products Company.
“Ultimately, the Miller culture became part of me and my family,” said Richardson. “I can’t count the times we talked about the opportunity of ownership and making Osceola a permanent place for our family. Each time it just sounded better and better.”
Miller Products Company has been a core manufacturing force in Osceola, Iowa since the McFarland family relocated there from Des Moines in 1964. Since it’s move, the plant has continued to grow, adding custom lathe, CNC and SWISS CNC precision manufacturing capacity as well as storage, warehousing, and fulfillment services for customers across North America. Richardson says future plans for the company will focus on strategic growth, innovation, and strengthening their roots in the community.