Don't Lose It, Lanyard It!
Fri, Apr 13, 2018 @ 11:04 AM Cory Dye Social Media. Miller Products Company, spotlight
A rapidly growing segment of our business is lanyards. Imagine yourself on a lake. You have just positioned your sun cover in the perfect spot, and the pin falls out of your hand into the water. You are probably wishing that you had something to hold that pin in place right? Here at Miller Products Company we feel your pain and have the solution for you! We have standard lanyard sizes of 8",10", and 12" ready to supercharge your pin order today!
Need a different style? No problem, we got you covered. Our lanyard specialists can hook you up with tabs, coated wire, longer lengths, and different size loops.
Most stock items can be fitted with lanyards in just a few days. Contact us at for any questions!